
Manual of Procedures for Laboratory Reagents

The Manual of Procedures for Laboratory Reagents is an important document to ensure the safe handling of substances in the laboratory. This is a list of specific instructions for laboratory work and is used to prevent errors and accidents. This list is based on current legislation, national regulatory indications, international standards and technical information.

What are the barriers to the implementation of electroscalpel?

The electroscalpel is an essential medical tool for appropriate surgical surgeries, this tool allows clean incisions in the tissues and restrict bleeding during an operation, by using electrical current to cut, weld and cauterize. Although the electroscalpel is a routine tool in hospital operating theaters, there is still significant inequality between areas with a high level of access to this technology and those with limited facilities and budgetary limitations.

Applications of nitrogen tanks in oil refining processes

Nitrogen tanks have become an essential tool in recent years to manipulate oil refining processes. The benefits these tanks provide have only recently begun to be discovered, but they are already beginning to be used in a wide variety of industries dealing with liquid fluids. Nitrogen tanks allow the improvement of the quality of the final products and increase the efficiency of the refining processes.

Energy efficiency of nitrogen use in industrial processes

Energy efficiency is one of the main topics discussed in the fields of renewable energy, carbon capture and storage, biofuel production, wind and solar energy, and many other fields. Energy efficiency refers to the use of the least amount of energy possible to obtain the most desired results.

The best dental chairs for professionals

Dental chairs are of paramount importance for the dental professional, a good dental chair can ensure the comfort of the patient and dentist; this is particularly important for dentists who receive many patients, as a comfortable chair will help to keep the workflow smooth. In addition to comfort, a good dental chair should have a wide variety of functions.

The Dangers of Using Obsolete Dental Chairs

With the rise of technological advances, the dental sector is increasingly at the forefront, new dental practices, materials and equipment are increasingly modern, efficient and safe; despite that, there are some practices that still persist, such as the use of obsolete dental chairs.

Functions of Full Steel Laboratory Biological Safety Cabinet

Full steel biological safety cabinets are extremely important equipment to ensure a proper and safe environment for personnel in a laboratory. These structures, also known as aerosol cabinets or CTAs, provide a protected atmosphere inside, isolated from external contaminants, which prevents cross-contamination, both of personnel working in the cabinets and of waste outside .

New analytical tools in Hematology: indispensable reagents

Hematology has become one of the main fields of medical study in the twenty-first century. It is involved in the study and treatment of diseases that affect the blood, including bruising, anemia, clotting and leukemia. This means that the increasing use of analytical tools, such as reagents, is essential to help medical professionals accurately diagnose and treat patients.

How can adequate lighting be exploited in a climate chamber for experiments?

Proper lighting is a critical element in helping scientists get accurate results from their experiments. This is especially true when it comes to experiments conducted in a climate chamber. Correct lighting can increase the quality of results, improve reliability, and reduce runtime. This is especially important in weather chambers, where these constant conditions demand a high degree of accuracy.