
Infant Radiant Warner

A Child Radiant Warmer is Medical equipment used in neonatal intensive care units to provide the newborn with a comfortable thermal area that keeps his or her body temperature within normal levels. This is because when a baby is born from the mother's womb, which is a natural incubator, it needs to be warmed up.

Childhood radiant warmers are regularly needed equipment in delivery rooms and neonatal care units to provide external heat and open access to newborns. Immediately after birth, infants are routinely placed under warm, radiant light to help stabilize their temperature until they can achieve self-regulation. They are also needed for critically ill patients who require nursing care constante.

Types of Radiant Infant Heaters ideal for the Medical Sector

Infant Radiant Warmer YR02192

s a versatile open care system offering solutions you can depend on, the YR02192 baby warmer makes your job easier while...


Infant Radiant Warmer YR02191

The YR02191 unit is our middle design of infant radiant warmer with a unique thermal environment for premature and full...


Infant Radiant Warmer YR02190

Our YR02190 unit offers the best care with the optimal thermoregulation for newborn patients when they are in emergency or therapy...


Infant Radiant Warmer YR02193

YR02193 is the most advanced infant radiant warmer, providing a nurturing, life-sustaining environment. Equipped with phototherapy...


Our Best Selling Infant Radiant Heater

An infant warmer is a key piece of equipment in neonatal intensive care units, aimed at providing the newborn with a comfortable thermal area that maintains its body temperature between 36 and 37 degrees. This is because when a baby is born from the mother's womb, which is a natural incubator, it needs to be warmed up. Keeping a baby's body temperature at normal levels is imperative for their health. If not, they may experience hypothermia, which would impair all their bodily and organic functions.

Infant warmers are used regularly in delivery rooms and neonatal care units to simultaneously provide external heat and open access to newborns. Immediately after birth, babies are routinely placed under warm, radiant light to help stabilize their temperature until they can achieve self-regulation. Monitoring and resuscitation can be easily performed from the open access of a radiant warmer, along with the necessary procedures. Infant warmers are also used for critically ill patients who require constant nursing intervention.

Review of the best Radiant Infant Warmers for the Medical Sector

Is a Child Radiant Heater important?_
- Kalstein

A Child Radiant Heater is a unit used to provide radiant heat to newborns in a comfortable thermal area that maintains their body...


What are the care and maintenance needs of a Child Radiant Heater?

A Radiant Infant Heater is a Medical equipment commonly used in pediatrics and neonatology services, specifically in neonata..

What are the different types of Children's Heaters?
- Kalstein

Childhood Heaters are Medical equipment designed to provide constant heat to low-weight newborns who have...


Children’s radiant heater: When should it be used?
- Kalstein

A Radiant Infant Heater is a Medical equipment used in the field of neonatology and pediatrics, specifically...


Children's Radiant Heater models on sale


Guides to becoming an expert in Children's Radiant Heater

Children's Radiant Heater equipment are essential in Sector Medical, we provide guides and recommendations for better use, so you can work as an expert.

Infant Heater and Infant Incubator: what are their differences?

An Infant Warmer is specialized equipment used to provide newborns with a comfortable warming area that maintains their body

How do i handle a thermal crib?
- Kalstein

Thermal cradles are energy devices used in newborns to transmit warm temperatures to them and thus to air the mattress where...

How do you prepare a Radiant Crib?
- Kalstein

A radiant cradle is an electromedical equipment with wheels used to provide newborns with a comfortable thermal area that maintains...

What are the differences between Neonatal Incubation and Children’s Radiant Tables?

Neonatal Incubators and Radiant Tables for Children are Medical equipment specialized in heat transfer to the neonate, where their management is simple and they have mechanisms that control the amount of heat that has to be emitted by means of a servo-control temperature system, which transmits more or less heat depending on the temperature that is programmed and required by the patient.

Frequently Asked Questions about Children's Radiant Heater

To know the price of Radiant Heaters for Children we invite you to send us an email with your request through the contact form.

The delivery time of your Kalstein product will depend on the following: 
  1. If the equipment of your interest is in stock or if it must be manufactured. 
  2. The type of freight you have chosen, this may be; air or sea.
  • Equipment in stock:  
- Delivery Time (Air): 15-30 days.  
- Delivery Time (Maritime): 45-60 days. 

  • Equipment not in stock:  
- Delivery Time (Air): 30-60 days.  

- Delivery Time (Sea): 60-90 days.

You can make your purchase through: 

  1. By email: [email protected] 
  2. By telephone: +33 (0) 1 78 95 87 02
  3. E-commerce: Via Kalstein's official website in your country. 
All Kalstein equipment has a 1-year warranty against manufacturing defects. The warranty does not cover damage caused by poor installation or operation by the user, transport defects or by uses other than those specified by the manufacturer. Warranty excludes electrical or consumable parts. For more information visit our “terms and conditions” by clicking HERE

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