Clinical-pathological applications of PCR

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR), sometimes known as ‘’molecular photocopying”, is a rapid test used to amplify or photocopy, in billions, small pieces of DNA. Having a substantial amount of a DNA sample for molecular and genetic analysis is vitally important. Studies of isolated DNA fragments would not be possible without PCR amplification. This test is carried out in a thermocycler, a device that allows the execution of temperatures for the amplification of DNA strands.

PCR is applied to identify genetic changes that cause diseases, to find cancer cells unnoticed by other types of tests and to face the different health crises related to infectious diseases, either by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. It is used to detect the COVID-19 virus, the human immunodeficiency virus and for bacteria such as Escherichia coli or Salmonella within the human body, among others.  This test has been used for many years, but it became even more important during research into the coronavirus pandemic.

Diagnosis of pathologies by PCR

The polymerase chain reaction is used for the diagnosis of different diseases and is considered the most reliable test in providing accurate results to know if a patient has any viruses or bacteria in their body. A PCR diagnostic test helps detect a fragment of a microorganism’s genetic material, which is why it is routinely used in clinical microbiology laboratories. Some of the diseases detected by PCR are:

  • SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19: It is a viral respiratory disease diagnosed by PCR testing. Nowadays this technique has been widely used since the appearance of the virus, for its speed and accuracy. To diagnose this condition, doctors collect a sample of fluid from the nose and mouth with a swab to detect the genetic material of the virus (RNA).
  • Monkeypox, the virus that causes monkeypox: Monkeypox is a serious viral disease that can be detected by a PCR test. This diagnostic test, with the help of samples such as skin lesions, this disease.
  • The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): It is a disease that causes AIDS and destroys the body’s immune system. To detect HIV in patients, a NAT-type PCR test (nucleic acid amplification test), in which HIV genetic material is tested in the blood, may be used.
  • Escherichia coli: This bacterium lives in the intestine and causes diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. PCR is done to determine the presence of E. coli O157 in a stool sample.
  • Bacterial meningitis: Bacterial meningitis is a disease that causes inflammation in the layers of tissue that cover the spinal cord and brain and the space between the fluid between the meninges. Diagnostic PCR is done using a sample of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, the causative agent.


The thermocycler is a widely used equipment in clinical laboratories for amplification or copies of DNA molecules, by PCR technique. This instrument helps to perform temperature cycles to extend DNA strands. In this equipment it is possible to perform the PCR test because it allows programming changes of reaction temperature, in order to denature and synthesize DNA. Thanks to the thermo-cycler, this highly reliable automatic technique can be carried out in a short time and allows the diagnosis of a wide variety of diseases.

The thermocycler by its mode of operation, allows to carry out a large amount of clinical and biological research, among its applications can be highlighted, the diagnosis of viral, bacterial and hereditary diseases, which are directly related to DNA, in forensic science, to carry out paternity tests and to carry out phylogenetic studies of plants and animals.

Kalstein brand thermocyclers

In Kalstein we have laboratory and clinical equipment, specialized to meet the needs and demands of our customers, in addition, our equipment has as a special distinctive to be of high quality and technology, we assure it because we are MANUFACTURERS of the same. It should be noted that, apart from having a high quality in equipment, we also have the best PRICES within the market. Among the great variety of equipment we have for sale, we have thermocyclers and PCR in real time, which will allow users to cycle temperatures to perform the polymerase chain reaction. If you want to buy a thermocycler you can view our catalog to make the PURCHASE through this link: HERE.