Importance of a conductivity meter in a laboratory

A conductivity meter or conductivity meter is a laboratory device that measures the electrical conductivity of the ions in a solution. For what applies an electric field between two electrodes and performs a measurement of the electrical resistance in the dissolution, usually the most used measure are S/cm, other alternative ways of expressing the conductivity are salinity and total dissolved solids (STD). They are quite common and important equipment in procedures involving water treatment and monitoring, as well as in environmental laboratories.

Conductivity is defined as the ability of a dissolution to conduct electric current. It is considered a measure of the total ionic concentration that has a dissolution, that is, a quick and simple way to know the ionic force of a dissolution.

How does a conductivity meter work?

A conductivity meter is provided with a probe, which is inserted into the liquid to be measured, then the meter applies a voltage between two electrodes inside the probe. The equipment measures the drop in the voltage of the solution, which is caused by electrical resistance. And then the conductivity meter converts the reading into S/cm, where the value indicates the total amount of dissolved solids, is this amount of dissolved solids that can go through the fiberglass. In other words, the conductivimeter operates with an alternating current to prevent a reaction from occurring in the substance to be analyzed or there being any effect on the conductivimeter plates.

There are conductivity meters that are equipped to supply the salinity value and convert the conductivity reading into a salinity reading. The total dissolved solids can be determined by multiplying the conductivity measured in microSeimens by a factor of 0.67.

To choose the ideal conductivity meter for your laboratory, it is vital to determine the types of materials to be subjected to conductivity analysis. The desktop is the ideal computer for labs. But within this category we will find that there are more complex computers and others that are even portable.

What do we offer you in Kalstein?

At Kalstein we are manufacturers of laboratory equipment of the highest quality and with the best technology on the market, at totally unbeatable prices, currently we have an excellent range of conductivity meters or conductivity meters. In this opportunity we present the Conductivity/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity Meter YR01828, The professional conductivity meter contains 4 measurement modes, the meter is suitable for measuring conductivity, TDS, salinity and resistivity, accuracy: 0.5% F.S.S. This new device has the following features: HERE

  • It is equipped with a 7-inch TFT display.
  • Calibration from 1 to 3 points with automatic recognition by conductivity standards.
  • Selectable cell constant, reference temperature, TDS factor, linear / nonlinear / pure water
  • Compensations, percentage / seawater / Practical salinity measurement modes.
  • Automatic temperature compensation corrects the conductivity measurement.

For more information we invite you to take a look: HERE