Types of clinical laboratory analyzers

A clinical laboratory is an institution equipped with the necessary means to carry out analyzes that contribute to the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of health problems. Thanks to technological advances, clinical laboratories have incorporated in their different areas (biochemistry, hematology, coagulation, urine), high-tech automated equipment that has allowed the delivery of results in less time, with greater precision and accuracy and reducing the number of measurement errors.

Automatic Urine Analyzer

It is a specialized equipment that allows the automated analysis of several key parameters of the urine, allowing to evaluate the presence of urinary tract infections, determine the pH, blood and protein loss, as well as evaluate the presence of glucose, ketone bodies, bilirubin in urine. This equipment allows the efficient analysis of urine samples, and is the correct choice especially in those clinical laboratories with a high volume of patients, since it allows to accelerate the work flow and the quality of its reagents ensures safe and reliable results.

Coagulation analyzer

A coagulation analyzer is a laboratory equipment through which coagulation factors can be measured with precision and accuracy, essential elements required for the coagulation cascade to be carried out properly in the body, as well as products derived from the coagulation process and in this way to be able to identify possible abnormalities that can lead to excessive bleeding or thrombosis.

Hematology analyzer

A hematology analyzer or hematology analyzer is a device that allows you to perform a complete blood count. In other words, it performs a qualitative and quantitative analysis of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes).

A hemogram reflects all the elements or components of the blood, reflecting their number or proportion in the individual, as well as the presence of cellular abnormalities of morphological origin or the presence of pathological cells. This is one of the most frequently requested laboratory tests and is part of the basic study required for diagnostic guidance and evaluation of patients, since it offers an overview and can serve as an indicator of anemia, infectious diseases, clotting problems, among others.

These devices generally have one of two methods for counting and identifying blood cells: electrical impedance or optical detection.

Biochemistry Analyzer

Biochemistry analyzers, also known as clinical chemistry analyzers, are used to determine the metabolites present in biological samples such as blood, urine and other biological fluids. The study of these fluids makes it possible to diagnose many pathologies and diseases.

There are several analytical methods of measurement. They are divided into two categories:

Optical techniques

  • Colorimetry: it is the most common method. The sample is mixed with the appropriate reagent to produce a reaction that results in a color. The concentration of the analyte determines the intensity of the color obtained.
  • Photometry: light is projected onto the sample with a suitable wavelength, while a photodetector, located on the other side of the sample, measures the amount of absorbed light. It is directly related to the concentration of the analyte in the sample.

Electrochemical techniques

through direct potentiometry where ion selective electrodes (ISE) are used for the determination of ions in samples and also indirect potentiometry.

At Kalstein we are specialists MANUFACTURERS of laboratory equipment, which is why we provide you with highly-equipped analyzers with advanced features to perform a complete range of laboratory tests, providing users with reliable analysis and results, prepared with the highest quality and with the highest quality standards. best prices. That is why we invite you to take a look at: HERE