What is a Thermocycler used for?

It is an apparatus that is used in molecular biology, allows to perform in an automated and sequential way the temperature cycles necessary to carry out the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of DNA amplification; they are essential in any laboratory that depend onmolecular biology and quality in their studies.

Due to the essentials that result in DNA amplification, the Thermocycler becomes an uninterrupted instrument that laboratory workers expect to work properly and efficiently, there is a wide range of  manufacturers, a good Thermocycler is not difficult to  find,  but if you want design and advanced technology, in addition to the best material,  we KALSTEIN offer you the high quality Thermocycler.

What is the Thermocycler for?

It mainly provides a thermally controlled environment for PCR samples; however, it has several applications in different disciplines, in research laboratories they are used to amplify DNA, to clone DNA and sequence genes; in large clinics to perform genetic tests that are used in the diagnosis of diseases.

In KALSTEIN in addition to offering you the best Thermocycler, we want to offer you a summary of the qualities and benefits of having this instrument in your laboratory; the function is fascinating, and performs several steps;first the denaturation, then separates the strands formed;thenseeks to align the primers in the mold strand to be amplified; finally it supposes an elongation of the double strand of 20 pairs that has already been created in the previous step.

General characteristics of the Thermocycler

Real-time PCR is a device that enables the widest range of quantitative PCR applications; two-channel, five-channel fluorescent detection system with high-resolution LED and CCD light sources; optical system, optical filter set, temperature uniformity, custom management software.

There are other termocicladoris with thermal cycle platform, optimizes the protocols and allows you to choose between multiple interchangeable reaction modules in addition to using an intuitive touch screen; other posen high definition LCDscreen, intuitive interface, depends on the Thermocycler and its application, you will find special and advanced designs with Android software; friendly design for the environment and the user.

Thermocycler Applications

Although the area of most use of this device is in molecular biology, it offers multiple benefits in the area of research, such as:     

  • In the study of various substances.
  • Diagnose hereditarydiseases.
  • Phylogenetic studies of animals, plants, among others.
  • In forensic sciences to recover minimal DNAsamples.

Also called PCR and are applied in many areas, we can find them in archaeology, forensics, paternity testing, genetics, biological research and clinical diagnosis.

Advantages of using the Thermocycler

It offers us to perform the technique of regulating the temperature in each CYCLE of the PCR more quickly; thanks to these temperature cycles it allows to apply the PCR method, which is a polymerase chain reaction; they are currently used to directly detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is really important in terms of health, so the use of this equipment becomes indispensable in all laboratories.

The advantage of using this equipment is that it is less invasive, in addition to offering fewer false positives, which has allowed to quickly detect whether or not a patient has the genetic material of the virus in the body, so you must acquire a  Thermocycler for your laboratory immediately, to face the current demand and be at the forefront of laboratory instruments,  and without a doubt hand in hand with the best, KALSTEIN we will accompany you in your decision of which type to acquire and we will advise you on technical matters. HERE

If you want to know in depth the characteristics and advantages of each of the different types of Thermocycler,which  we as a manufacturer of laboratory equipment we offer you only haveto visit us in the followinglink HERE ,and you can clarify all the possible doubts when acquiring a  Thermocycler;we KASLTEIN will offer you the best advice as well as the best online buying and selling offers you can find internationally.